Retainer services and research packages now available!

Fundraising & Philanthropy Consultant for Hire

Hourly Hire

$30 USD per billable hour

If you need a extra pair of hands with your fundraising for a short amount of time, or for small projects, this service is for you.

We can help with all kinds of fundraising tasks, from event planning to donor message writing, reviewing grant applications to cleaning up donor data lists.

Our Hourly Service is competitively priced and draws on over a decade of fundraising, administration and project support across multiple industries and countries.

Part-Time Retainer

$550 USD for 20 hours per month

You may be needing a dedicated fundraiser and philanthropy professional for your organization, but you don’t have the budget to hire someone permanently.

There are a number of benefits to hiring a professional fundraiser on a Part-Time Retainer basis. You’ll have someone who can carry out regular tasks, keep projects on track, and who can build strong relationships with donors, stakeholders, and your team.

You’ll have our full focus and we’ll be able to deliver the fundraising services you need, embedded within your organization.

Fundraising & Philanthropy Packages

Prospect Research Reports

Starting from $50 USD per report

Strategic fundraising starts with having a clear idea of who your ideal funder is. Only then can you formulate a plan to not only find them, but to bring them on board with your mission and turn them into your champions.

Avoid the temptation to approach everyone under the sun.

Our Prospect Research Reports give you the information you need to make genuine, lasting connections.


  • Detailed research on suitable funding sources, such as major donors, trusts and foundations, or grant agencies.

  • We use your strategic plan, ideal funder profile, and other guidance from you to search for suitable prospects.

  • We can use your existing donor lists, along with our suite of research and screening databases.

  • We offer Basic and Premium Reports, giving you flexibility in the level of detail you require and the number of reports you need.

Are You Ready To Fund Your Future?

We’re here ready to help you with your fundraising and development needs!

We look forward to meeting you, no matter where you are in the world.